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John Meets the Eagles

In Glasgow (Scotland) during the Hotel California Tour, (recall it was 1978, may have been 76), I was lucky enough to creep in and help the crew set up the gear. Was even luckier to be able to assist the lighting boss around the stores in Glasgow.


In return I was allowed to be on stage when Glenn Frey and Don Felder did their sound check. Spoke to Glenn at length about guitars and stuff. He was/is a genuinely good guy and not at all the sort to be aloof. He was happy to explain his tuning and guitar theory. I had lunch in the dressing room, but was not allowed in the room when the band was in or be back stage when they played. I did stand with Glenn on the wings during the support act. Glasgow Apollo was a 3,500 seater and Glenn joked they hadn't played such a small venue since he was in high school. I will always remember him saying repeatedly "we're having some fun now."


Got the chance to say "hi" to Henley, Joe and Randy, to stand 4 feet in front of one the the best guitarist ever while he messed around with his guitars was truly an honour. I do hope Don Felder can get back with the band, and in any event wish him well and thank him for his contribution to the best band ever put together.


The shows in Glasgow that year where amazing. On the final night Mr. Walsh came back on dress in a kilt and played " Flower of Scotland" on the bagpipes. (he didn't use slide).


Never forget the experience, always wondered if Glenn remembers me (WHAT).


        John (bald eagle) McDade

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