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Debra Meets Timothy

met Timothy at Thanksgiving 2010 in Scottsdale AZ at The Compound Grill. Thanksgiving Day I was looking at Eagles stuff on the internet when I discovered that Timothy was going to be playing less than 20 miles from where I live in Phoenix, the very next day!  I called immediately and tickets were still available to needless to say we purchased two right away. The next day we went to find the venue because we didn't know the area that well. We met with the venue manager and he could tell how excited I was so he told us that when we arrived that evening for the concert that we should let him know when we arrived. That being said, upon our arrival I found him and he told us to "sit tight" for a moment and that he'd be right back. Can you believe that he created us an extra table right at the front of the stage by the stage door???!! We were blown away by the gesture and needless to say had a FABULOUS time! Timothys' concert was GREAT and the best part was meeting him, courtesy of a man who must be once of the nicest security guys on the face of the planet. We spent a few minutes with Timothy and got some pictures! I also have GREAT pictures of the concert - up close and personal. It was the best!


Reader Comments (2)

What a great story! I'm a HUGE Eagles fan and have thought Timothy would be a great guy to meet. Besides his obvious musical talent, I like his calm and unassuming demeanor, as well as his insightful and gracious way of speaking.

May 26, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterWarren Lutz

Wow Lucky You Debra! What we wouldn't give to be able to see these guys again in concert. My husband and I saw them in Cape Town last year and they were just truly amazing. Trying to convince my husband we need a holiday in USA in line with the Eagles tour!

August 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSheila

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