Las Vegas, NV

The Eagles will be appearing at the MGM Grand Arena on May 22nd. Tickets are available from Ticketmaster. If you will be going to the show or have questions about the show, hit the comments button below and add a message.
Reader Comments (7)
And hey- if i could ever get my hands on a recording of that live show, I'll think I've gone to heaven.....
Glenn and Don didn’t really seem to banter as much as usual, but I don’t know if that was because I was a little further back than usual (18 rows back) and wasn’t able to hear and see as well. However, all were in good spirits. Don goofed around with Joe a few times; Glenn did his energetic dancing during “All She Wants to Do is Dance.” Heck, just seeing Don playing his electric guitar with Joe, with them both jumping up and down like hard rockers was almost worth the price of the ticket with that moment alone! They still harmonize so perfectly together in song and in their actions; and it’s very obvious that they respect and enjoy each others’ solo works.
It could be that I just have the post-concert blues, but when Glenn sang “We will never be here again,” I almost believed him. And when Don sang “Desperado” he seemed more melancholy and reflective than ever. I left the concert feeling very lucky to have had another chance to see them; and when I read the program afterwards I realized why.
Life’s been good to us for letting us enjoy these past few years with the Eagles, and I hope – as Don mentioned in the new program – that they continue to provide the “hearth” that we all need so very much.
I don't know which date they plan to use, but there is a DVD in the works. The plan is to get it out before the Asian tour...but like we said...that's only a plan at this point.