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Adelaide, Australia

The Eagles will be appearing in Brisbane on November 23rd . Tickets are available from bass.net. If you will be going to the show or have questions about the show, hit the comments button below and add a message.

Reader Comments (3)

11/26 Adeladide has been moved to 11/29. Also an additional show on 11/30.

Current dates in Australia:

  11/11 Perth Subiaco Oval  11/14、15、17、27 Melbourne Rod Laver Arena  11/19、20、21 Sydney SuperDome  11/24、25 Brisbane Entertainment Centre  11/29、30 Adelaide Entertainment Centre
October 6, 2004 | Unregistered Commenterballoonhat
Diamond in Adelaide - what an amazing experience!!! We saw the boys in Sydney on the 19th and it was great. Adelaide seemed better, maybe they were more relaxed, maybe the fans were more appreciative - we did, after all put 15,000 signatures on a petition to get them here!!Timothy seemed the most popular, here and in Sydney, followed closely by Joe.Some of the lines were the same but, again, Timothy and Joe seemed to be the ones to mix it up a bit. Joe commented that he had finally worked out the rules of cricket 'The team who hits the most seagulls when they're batting wins!' He also ad-libbed an intro which lost everybody else on stage for a few seconds. They all looked a little confused but then started following his lead, then there was a seconds absolute silence and they went into Heatache Tonight - brilliant, the place erupted!!!!Don looked, and sounded, like he had recovered from his cold or whatever it was he had in Sydney.Hubby bought me a shirt, before the Sydney concert, which says 'I fancy the bass player.' That got me on the radio here in Adelaide to talk about the concert - what a buzz!!!The concert was fantastic, the boys were gorgeous, I wish it could have gone on longer but I was quite happy to pay the price - well worth the money.

December 4, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterAussieEagle
Estou a escrever sobre The Eagles,aqui de Portugal. Quem não souber português que aprenda...Eles TheEagles são sem dúvida uma "marca"no tempo do bom Coutry/Rock que sepode tocar deixando "marcas". Apesar de nunca terem estado nestepaís, têm de certo fans quanto baste para cá poderem vir, mas háprovavelmente falta de interesse da parte dos empresários.Eu também já toquei Rock e Pop emdiversas bandas e sempre que vejoou revejo os dois concertos quetenho gravado em DVD (o de 1994 naMTV e os de 2004 na passagem porMelbourne)fico convencido que nãosou músico ao vê-los tocar daquelamaneira.Longa vida para os 4 actuais ele-mentos e se poderem mantenham oStuart na banda para sempre...é domelhor que já vi no género, com odevido respeito pelo seu antecedente elemento.Deus vos abençoe The Eagles!!!
June 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAsdrúbal Brás

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