Eagles Online

Joyce (Fan Review)

I am Joyce from Singapore and this is my first post on this site. I grew up listening to the Eagles and for 30 years, their songs never fail to touch my hearts and many people around me.

After close to a decade, I got to see them live yesterday at the Singapore Indoor stadium. Never had I have reservations over the quality of the performance, especially when it was made known that they would be bringing their own tour band, PA technician team,...right down to the catering... close to 100-people entourage. Of course I was ridiculed for the hefty price I paid for the tickets. But think of it this way, 10 years = 3,650 days. Apportion the ticket price over this period, what's that few hundred bucks really? 10 years ago, if the price were to be set at the current levels, I would have still went for the gig.

Yesterday was the first time I felt proud of audience in the Singapore Indoor Stadium. According to Straits Times, there were 11,300 people from all over SEA region, all here in full gear, all prepared to cheer on, all prepared to give their unreserved applause & salute to one of the world's most celebrated folk rock band. In 1999, the Record Industry Association of America recognised The Eagles "Their Greatest Hits, 1971-1975" Album as the bestselling record of the century. Phew! (^^)'' ~

I overheard this group of middle-age gentlemen discussing their accomodation arrangements in Singapore after the concert during the 20 mins' break. Some were desperately looking for their "long-lost" friends, making calls and waving across the stadium. It wasn't just a reunion of a legendary country folk rock band afterall.

"Tequila Sunrise", "Lyin' Eyes"(Frey dedicated to it his first wife called "Plaintiff"), "Already Gone" (Frey dedicated it to George Bush), "Heartache Tonight", "New Kid in Town", "I Can't Tell You Why", "Love Will Keep Us Alive", "One of These Nights", "Take it to The Limit" (Frey said his current wife call this the credit card song), ....

And the solo from Don Henley (Dirty Laundry, Boys of Summer), Glen Frey (You Belong to The City from "Miami Vice")... all 27 songs . There were three encores and all three were the most memorable moments of the concert. "Hotel Calfornia" kicked off the encore session and the whole stadium were in roaring frenzy~ Imagine you on stage and 11,300 people singing to your song? I caught a glimpse of Don Henley smiling over the TV monitor when he heard the chorus from the floor as he played the drums and sang "Hotel California". Listening to The Eagles singing "Hotel California" live is such happiness~~

The finale song had to be "Desperado". The lights dimmed and as Don Henley scrooned this lovely classic, couples around me, started hugging each other and swayed to the tune of "Des~~pera~~do~" ... All of a sudden there were twinkles of light appearing in the audience stands... a sea of "handphone screenlights" began to illuminate the stadium. You can feel love and romance in the air tonight~~

It was a concert worth waiting for, worth every cent of it. Just like to say thank you to everyone present at the Singapore leg yesterday for making the evening such a memorable evening for me. I hope it was just a wonderful evening for you all too. m(_ _)m


Frank (Fan Review)

I was at the Singapore show last night. The set list followed those posted on this site (and the Bangkok review). My comments:

* Quite a show, especially in length and scope of material! Overall, very entertaining and enjoyable!

* All band members showed great energy except Henley. His voice and quite thin and he looked lethargic.

At times, the pacing was quite odd, with high-energy momentum abandoned while the band re-arranged for the next number.

* Good humor throughout the night, especially from Frey who dedicated Lyin'Eyes "... to my first wife, Plaintiff", and Already Gone to George Bush.

* Joe Walsh was, of course, a big crowd pleaser. I don't think the audience actually knew the old James Gang tunes, but the lick were great and the place was rockin'

* That said, rockin' for our Asian friends means occasionally standing (rarely dancing) and clapping loud when the songs end. Yet, I actually heard some pre-and in-song screams, and saw some dancing! The Singapore Indoor Stadium was sold out (11,000+), a fairly rare feat. (I saw some empty seats when Elton John played last year, and The Rolling Stones filled the place up for two nights but only with heavy promo and give-aways.)

As someone who saw The Eagles 25 years ago, I was pleased that we've all made it this far and could enjoy a fun night together...

FRank P., Singapore, Oct. 19


Schmit (Fan Review)

I was at the Bangkok gig on the 15th Oct.Can't say the show was great or not great!They were still the "Eagles"!The "oohs and aahs" rang thru the whole night with perfection.2 things left me a little disappointed.1)Tim's bass sound was rather light during the show,(musician's point of view).2)In response to Paul Dorsey's statement that,"Stuart Smith - the Don Felder "clone" might as well join the band officially is totally uncalled for!!!Stuart's licks were note to note with all the Eagles' songs,,,but man,,,there ain't no feel at all.Even the guitar sound is not an Eagles sound.If you listen hard enough,Felder's licks and solos are mesmerisingly weepy and melancholic while sounding technical enough.Stuart Smith definitely did not live up to Felder's expertise or feel.No wonder why, he's not an official member of the Eagles ,or will never be.I guess Don,Glenn,Tim,Joe,and especially Felder will agree with this.

Nevertheless,"The Eagles " were loved for whom they are!

"We will meet on that beautiful shore in the sweet bye and bye"- Sad Cafe.


Eli (Fan Review)

I made my dream come true – I saw the Eagles, live in natural vision and faboulus sounds.

Since 1988 when I about 16 years old, that was the point in my life that I discovered the Eagles and their music.

It was by accidently buying the record (Vynil) Hotel California, only from knowing it as a radio hit.

Since that point I just got deeper into the music and researched everything.

Well, the time has passed, and I am not as young as before, but 32 years old, and decided to go after the band in the present Farewell Tour I in Asia.

So I took the flight from Israel, where I live, to Bangkok, Thailand only to see the band.

I was at the 15th October show, and it all worked properlly with the organizers.

Then the show started with "The long run" which put all the energy ! !

Then "New kid in town" and "Wasted time" and so on.

The band were really nice especially Glenn and Timothy which did most of the talking, but also the others. But the music, the music was the perfect thing.

At the bottom line the whole show was full of power and real pleasure.

Me, personally sorry not seeing Mr Don


Eagles in Full Flight (The Nation)

Bangkok's Independent Newspaper

Thirty years on, the quintessential American rock band shows they’re in it for ‘The Long Run’ as they kick off the ‘Farewell I Tour’ with a real beauty in Bangkok

Between the “Peaceful Easy Feeling” laid down oh so quietly by original band members Don Henley and Glenn Frey to the spirit-jolting guitar raunch of later addition Joe Walsh, Friday night’s Asia-Oceania tour kick-off by the Eagles was a string of superlatives even longer than their 27-song hit parade.

The first night of a double-header at Impact Arena was three hours of high-tech, high-quality fun for a capacity, star-studded crowd that started roaring from the moment the lights went out a half-hour late - seconds after Thaksin Shinawatra and his entourage had grabbed their floor seats - and worked itself up to a deafening crescendo as Henley crooned the final, goosebump-lifting notes of “Desperado” to close the second encore and the show.

Evocatively lit and filmed DVD-style for the jumbo screens, with crane shots and all, it was a glorious night for the band, the crew, the fans and the standard-elevating BEC-Tero Entertainment.

The ecstasy wasn’t seamless, though. There’s no point trivially bemoaning the absence of “Best of My Love”, which the Eagles haven’t played for some time, but the evening’s pacing, for one thing, was bizarre.

Not only was the third tune, the theatrically arranged “Wasted Time”, oddly placed so early on - in an off-kilter, 10-song opening set punctuated with a 15-minute intermission - the stage remained dark for long pauses between each piece as the musicians regrouped, thus chopping up the momentum.

Impact’s acoustics were tested, even with the best sound equipment money can fly in. You could clearly hear every shimmering voice on near-whispered tunes like “Lyin’ Eyes” and “Tequila Sunrise”, but there was always a thudding phantom accompaniment.

And Henley seemed to be struggling throughout. The Eagles are all aged 57 or so, but Henley currently seems to have a bit of a Matthew Perry bloat going on and had little energy to spare beyond replicating his share of the hits note-perfect.

He abandoned his drums often, and not just to come out front for a vocal, and where Frey talked to the fans, played some guitar solos and danced a bit, Henley was barely there.

All that was forgiven, of course, by the time he closed the proceedings with a gut-wrenching “Desperado”, and to be sure, his own solo hits “Dirty Laundry” and the operatic “Sunset Grill” were among the night’s other highlights.

Not so “Hotel California”, which despite a lovely Mexican trumpet intro and terrific dual guitar work, received - perhaps inevitably - an anticlimactic rendering.

Following Frey’s dubious defence of the ticket prices the week before (“We’re a legend”) and the band’s ban on cameras, concerns that this would be an Egos, not an Eagles, concert proved unfounded, although their individual hits made up much of Friday’s show.

Henley also had his clever No 1 single “The Boys of Summer” and 1984 solo jump-up “All She Wants to Do is Dance”. Frey mined his own disco phase for “You Belong to the City”, which fortunately Joe Walsh stepped in to save at the end.

Ah, Joe Walsh. Wotta guy. Already a major solo artist before he joined the Eagles in 1975, he was a smart addition, always guaranteed to blast through the laid-back quasi-country with pure, high-volume guitar joy and vocals designed to please.

“In the City” let him state his intentions early on in Friday’s show, and after a jazz-inflected “Sunset Grill” lit the fuse later on, getting a few people on their feet, Walsh put on a hard hat and went to work, getting the rest of the crowd up with “Life’s Been Good”, a rollicking testament to fair destiny that even featured sing-along cue cards on the big screens.

Then Walsh reached all the way back to 1970, when he was still with the James Gang, for “Funk 49”, one of the surprise bests of the night. The black-clad back-up brass - Greg Smith, Bill Armstrong, Chris Mostert and Al Garth (formerly of Loggins & Messina) - were swaying in unison like breeze-licked trees and Walsh and drummer Scott Crago opened up a canyon of rock.

After that, Walsh’s “Rocky Mountain Way” - saved up among the encores - was pure gravy.

Though nothing’s been said thus far in this review about singer-bassist Timothy B Schmit, it was he who generated the evening’s first excitement, eliciting screams with his marvellous falsetto on “I Can’t Tell You Why”. He was utterly charming singing “Love Will Keep Us Alive”, with audience members chipping ion on the chorus.

And it was he who ensured the purity of the Eagles’ harmonies throughout the concert, from “Already Gone” to “Take It Easy”.

It was unfortunate, then, that he didn’t get to sing “Take It to the Limit”. He’d likely have done a better job than Frey who, after introducing it (“My wife calls it the ‘credit card song’) as a composition by Randy Meisner - whom Schmit replaced in 1977 - didn’t even try to hit Meisner’s high notes.

(Interestingly, Henley may have done a better job too - apparently he was singing the song on the American tour.)

Has The Nation apologised yet for its front-page caption last Thursday, when someone, clearly not a fan, said the fifth band member, Don Felder, wasn’t present for the Bangkok press conference? There was a good reason for that, of course: Felder left the Eagles three years ago.

No worries, though: his magical guitar phrases are being duplicated to a tee by Stuart Smith, who might as well join the band. As it was, Smith stayed a good few paces away from the fab four, but from stage right engaged in non-stop sonic sensationalism, not only faithfully rereading Felder (even with a double-neck guitar on “Hotel California”) but overtly marching onto axe-hero turf in his own right.

Rounding out the back-up ensemble were keyboardists Mike Thompson and Will Hollis, and together this (mostly) younger eight-man crew - the magnificent brass adding so much muscle and texture - provided the warbling thermals that kept the occasionally winded Eagles aloft - and soaring magnificently - 30 years on.


Eagles soar in S'pore (Straits Times)

Eagles soar in S'pore - OCT 19, 2004

TEACHER Margaret Yeo, 52, had her dream fulfilled at the Eagles concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium last night. She had paid $499 - the most expensive ticket in the house - to catch her favourite band perform here for the first time. 'I've waited 30 years to see them. It was worth every cent I paid,' she said after the three-hour set which saw the legendary 1970s Californian country-rock band deliver three encores and 27 songs.

She was among the 11,300-strong audience, some of whom had come from Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. Made up of people from their teens to their 60s, they roared and applauded when the group - Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Joe Walsh and Timothy B. Schmit - took to the stage at 8.30pm with The Long Run.

Other Eagles classics like Take It To The Limit and I Can't Tell You Why followed, as well as solo hits by the individual members, including Henley's Boys Of Summer and Frey's You Belong To The City. The band also performed in Bangkok for the first time last Friday. Tomorrow, they will make their debut in Hong Kong.

This is the Asian leg of their Farewell I concert that will also take them to Japan and Australia. -- Ong Soh Chin Life! deputy editor



Eagles Promise Low-Key Parade of Hits

Bangkok's Independent Newspaper

Thanks to Offy for finding this one.

The Eagles promise to play all their classic hits at their first gig in Thailand, as long as it’s kept low-key.

“No fireworks, no dancers,” said drummer Don Henley, prompting laughter at yesterday’s press conference for Eagles Live in Bangkok 2004 concerts.

The rock legends arrived on Monday evening to kick off their Farewell I tour at the Impact Arena tomorrow and Saturday. Even though the concert title implies it to be their last journey, it might not be the end after all.

“You can’t do Farewell XI so you do Farewell I first,” guitarist and vocalist Glenn Frey said.

“We just decided to call it Farewell I so we can keep going. It gives us more options,” Henley said. Since fans are already familiar with their recordings, the only surprises at the three-hour performance will come down to the order of the songs and the trick intros.

The band waxed nostalgic about how different the music scene was during their heyday in the 70s.

“It was very special to hold your own record that your neighbour down the street didn’t have,” said Timothy Schmit, the bassist. “Now anybody can cut their own CD at the computer at home. It lost that magic that it used to have.”

“It was more fun then. The music was better,” said Henley, who sings one of the group’s greatest hits – “Hotel California”, which has mystified followers trying to figure out what the vaguely bizarre lyrics mean. Some even think it has something to do with Satanism.

“It’s about America. About excess, lost innocence, materialism and some of our girlfriends,” Henley said. “It’s about a young man on a journey and a quest and ‘The Twilight Zone’. We like that show.”

Security was strict. Questions were screened by the quartet’s publicist and could only be asked through the emcee. Two really big bodyguards who resembled wrestler The Rock were at their side at all times. But the band members including guitarist and vocalist Joe Walsh were friendly enough to step down and sign autographs after the briefing. They also crooned “Tequila Sunrise” at a rehearsal for the press afterwards.

The Eagles will take their sold-out tour next to Singapore, then on Hong Kong, Japan and Australia.


Where Eagles dare (Straits Times)

Where Eagles dare - OCT 11, 2004

LEGENDARY rock group the Eagles decided to go for irony when deciding on a name for their current tour. Called the Farewell I Tour, they say it is a joke on artists like Simon And Garfunkel, who revisit the limelight by releasing albums or staging concerts after their so-called retirement, almost as if they are prisoners in their own Hotel California.

But if the Eagles are laughing at others, they are also making fun of themselves, as singer and guitarist Glenn Frey will tell you.

'We don't see ourselves doing this for very much longer,' says Frey, 55, on the phone from his manager's office in Los Angeles. 'But we might change our minds about that so we thought we'd better make a joke of it now.'

The American group will play in Singapore for the first time next Monday at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Ninety-nine per cent of the 8,000 tickets have been sold, with a handful of higher-priced seats left, says a spokesman for organiser Lushington Entertainments.

On the phone, the Detroit-born musician speaks in a laidback drawl. He fields questions with just a pause that tells you he weighs his words before speaking.

When asked what one can expect from a flock of ageing rockers, he says: 'We've developed and matured in our sound. If anything, we're more experienced, more focused. We haven't declined any with age.'

He adds: 'I don't mean to boast, but we're good.'

Indeed, the Eagles, whose current line-up comprises drummer-vocalist Don Henley, guitarist Joe Walsh, bassist Timothy B. Schmit and Frey, were one of the monster acts of the 1970s.

They had started out in 1971 as a backing band for singer Linda Ronstadt. The original group comprised guitarist Bernie Leadon and bassist Randy Meisner, who left in 1975 and 1976 respectively. They were replaced by Walsh and Schmit.

Guitarist Don Felder joined the group in 1975, but was fired in 2001. No reason was given for his termination, though he claimed he was wrongfully sacked and filed a lawsuit against the band.

The case is now in settlement stages.

Still, the Eagles have sold more than 120 million albums worldwide, and can hold their own, legacy-wise, with acts like The Rolling Stones.

In fact, they have gone one better.

In 1999, the Record Industry Association of America recognised their Greatest Hits, 1971-1975 album as the bestselling record of the century.

That album, released in 1987, has sold 27 million albums in the United States. It has sold over 15,000 copies here.

But there has traditionally been bad blood inside the group, and their history has also been fraught with ego clashes.

They broke up in 1980 because of strained relations between members, particularly Frey and Henley, the chief architects of the Eagles sound.

Then, they told reporters that they would have to 'wait until hell freezes over' before they would ever perform together again.

The members went on to record solo albums, with Henley and Frey gaining moderate success.

Frey also guest-starred on TV series Miami Vice, Wiseguy and Nash Bridges.

But in 1994, the Eagles took flight again.

Frey and Henley had long considered a reunion, but the timing had never been right, and they still felt friction between them, they told reporters.

They released a new album of remastered tracks and new songs like Hole In The World. And, in a knowing nod to their earlier declarations, they called the record Hell Freezes Over.

It went straight to No. 1 on the US charts, selling over six million copies. The Eagles were back in business and the subsequent tour made US$79.4 million in the US.

But, as the band sang in Hotel California, they were still 'prisoners of their own device'.

'Relations were up and down on that tour,' Henley told Canadian newspaper Toronto Sun in 2000. 'There were still ghosts from the past that reared their ugly heads to make things unpleasant.'

The Eagles disbanded again and took another break before emerging in 1999 to play a New Year's Eve show with other greats like Jackson Browne and Ronstadt. The top tickets went for US$1,000.

Frey has said that his relationship with Henley has never been smooth. Yet in the past, he has referred to Henley as his 'longest successful romance'.

When asked about that now, he lets out a short barking laugh before saying: 'I have to say that he takes second place to my current marriage.'

Frey and Cindy, his wife of 14 years, have three children - daughter Taylor, 13, and sons Deacon, 11, and Otis, two. They divide their time among their homes in California, Colorado and Hawaii.

He was married for three years in 1985 but had no children from that marriage.

Turning serious, he says of Henley: 'It's like any worthwhile relationship - it has its peaks and valleys. The trick is just to find ways to make it work.

'The important thing is that we're still here, and that we're playing shows at a high level.'


THE EAGLES gave Singapore a miss twice after their 1994 reunion.

They were in negotiations to stage a South-east Asian leg of their Hell Freezes Over tour.

But Frey was struck by an illness that required major surgery and had to have part of his large intestine removed. Though he has been in and out of surgery since, he says that all is well now.

'My health has been great for several years. I'm ready to rock out.'

In 1995, they played in Japan and Australia, but bypassed Singapore because of Henley's plans to record a solo album.

Frey says all the band members have projects and are too busy to get together to write songs. He owns the independent label Mission Records which he founded in the late 1990s.

Is there any truth to reports that a studio album is due this year?

He says several tracks were indeed recorded but an album is nowhere in sight.

'Each of us is doing all sorts of things, so we're really slow when it comes to scheduling time to write and record.'

But he reveals that they may enter the studio to record next year. 'We'll have to see how it goes. Our priority is this tour. After that, we'll assess what we want to do next.'

Meanwhile, fans will have to be content with watching the band here on Oct 18.

Still, there is the matter of high ticket prices - the top-priced seats are $499.

What gives?

Without hesitation, he says: 'We actually didn't set those ticket prices. But what I want to say is that we never want to underprice ourselves - we're an elite act.

'We won't apologise for what the seats cost. It'll be worth it for a great show.'

The Eagles will perform at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on Oct 18 at 8pm. Tickets at $350 and $499 from Sistic (6348-5555 or www.sistic.com.sg ).



CURIOUS as to what plans the Eagles have hatched over the years? Here's an update:


One of the founding members of the band, he co-wrote songs with Glenn Frey.

In 1982, he released his first solo album, I Can't Stand Still. A single, Dirty Laundry, peaked at No. 3 on the US charts.

Building The Perfect Beast album came two years later, anchored by hits like Boys Of Summer and Not Enough Love In The World. The third album, 1989's The End Of The Innocence, contained hits like New York Minute and How Bad Do You Want It?

Henley released his fourth solo album, Inside Job, in 2000.

He dated Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks in the 1970s but married long-time girlfriend Sharon in 1995. They have three children and live in his native Texas.


He joined the group in 1975 to replace original guitarist Bernie Leadon, bringing a harder edge to the Eagles' sound. He had flown high previously with bands James Gang and Barnstorm.

He kept up a solo career when he was with the Eagles, releasing But Seriously, Folks... (1978).

The soundtrack to the film Urban Cowboy generated Walsh's next solo smash, All Night Long, which hit the Top 20 in 1980.

His 1981 offering, There Goes The Neighborhood, featured his final Top 40 entry, A Life Of Illusion.

He has continued recording steadily up to today, and in the late 1980s toured with Ringo Starr's All-Starr Band.

In 1994, he composed a duet with singer Lita Ford for the RoboCop television series soundtrack. He released a greatest hits album in 2000.

Like Henley, he dated singer Stevie Nicks in the 1970s. She claimed recently that he broke her heart. He is now married but remains close friends with Nicks.


Replacing bassist Randy Meisner in 1976, Schmit was not around to contribute to the bestselling album Hotel California. But the Los Angeles-based guitarist released four solo albums to moderate success.

His 1987 hit Boys Night Out, from the album of the same name, was probably the biggest of his solo career.

His last album was Feed The Fire (2001).

Last year, he appeared in a rock documentary on the life of musician Warren Zevon, who died of cancer last September.

Schmit has two children from his current marriage.


Eagles - Bush (Chiang Mai)

Chiang Mai CityLife :: View topic - EAGLES-BUSH

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Don Henley, lead singer of the American rock

band, "The Eagles," said America's war in Iraq "was not necessary" and

he does not like U.S. President George Bush.

"I didn't like him [Bush] when he was governor, and I don't like him

now. I support the troops, but I don't support the people who sent them

there [to Iraq] because it wasn't necessary," Mr. Henley said.

The Eagles's singer and drummer made the comments on Wednesday (Oct.

13) in a brief recorded interview while signing autographs ahead of the

band's two concerts in Bangkok scheduled for Oct. 15 and 16.

Asked if he supported President Bush and America's war in Iraq, Mr.

Henley, 57, replied: "No, I do not."

He said a recent Eagles song titled, "Hole in the World," now meant

there was "definitely" a hole in the world because of the U.S. invasion

and occupation of Iraq.

The song, written in response to the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the

World Trade Center and Pentagon, includes the chorus:

"There's a hole in the world tonight.

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow.

There's a hole in the world tonight.

Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow."

Unlike some other American bands -- such as the Dixie Chicks and

Santana -- the Eagles will not give a speech about the president or the

war during their concerts overseas.

"We'll do 'Hole in the World,' that will be about the extent of our

expression. I don't think people came here to hear polemics," Mr.

Henley said.

"We all voted before we left" at the start of their "Farewell 1"

tour of Asia and Australia, he added.

"I voted for John Kerry, who is a friend of mine and has been for

many years."

Two of the most well-known events in the lives of the Eagles and Mr.

Bush coincided in 1976, the year when the album "Hotel California" was

released and when Mr. Bush was convicted for drunk driving.

Asked if it was possible that Mr. Bush may have been listening to

the Eagles while driving under the influence, Mr. Henley chuckled and

said, "I have no idea. That would be really stretching it. It's not


The Eagles meanwhile are currently writing a song about U.S.

National Security Adviser Condoleeza Rice.

"We started writing a song about her, but we haven't finished it

yet," he said.

"It's just kind of cute. It's just fun, tongue in cheek. It's sort

of like 'Her Majesty is a very nice girl,' on the Beatles' album. Do

you remember that? Just a little spoof at the end there. I don't know

if it will get on a record," Mr. Henley said.

The song "neither" supports nor criticizes Ms. Rice, and just spoofs

her, he said.

The singer-drummer was born in Gilmer, Texas, and as a youngster was

influenced by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee

Lewis, Fats Domino, Bobby Freeman, Chuck Willis, Bobby Blue Bland, the

Grand Ole Opry, Hank Williams, Patsy Cline and others.

The Eagles's music has been described as a blend of country, folk,

rhythm and blues, and rock. The band won four Grammy awards.

Each of Eagles's two concerts in Bangkok will be three hours long to

allow them to play virtually all their songs.

Ticket prices in Bangkok range from the equivalent of 50 to 210 U.S.

dollars each -- unusually expensive for concerts in Thailand.

After Bangkok, the Eagles are scheduled to perform in Singapore,

Hong Kong, Japan and Australia.


Take it easy, fans, the Eagles really are landing in Bangkok (Thailand Nation)

Published on Sep 7, 2004

American countryrock band The Eagles will perform two concerts in Thailand in the middle of October, delighting fans who were disappointed after rumours of an earlier concert turned out to be false.

Concert organisers BECTero said the band, famous for the timeless hit “Hotel California”, would appear at Impact Arena Muang Thong Thani on October 15 and 16.

The Los Angelesbased group agreed to add Bangkok to their world tour after reaching an agreement with BECTero at a cost of Bt12 million.

At a press conference yesterday to confirm the concert, BECTero said the band was definitely coming this time and fans would not be disappointed like before.

Tickets will go on sale from September 11 at Thaiticketmaster in Central Chidlom, Central Ladphrao, Central Pinklao, Central Bang Na and Big C in Ramkhamhaeng.

They will be priced at Bt8,500, Bt6,000, Bt4,000 and Bt2,000. The toppriced tickets are the most expensive for any concert performed at Impact Arena.

BECTero said The Eagles cost as much to bring over as F4, a Taiwanese group that has just performed two concerts here.

Winners of four Grammy Awards, The Eagles will start their “Farewell I” tour in Bangkok before leaving for Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia.

The band consists of Don Henley on drums and vocals, Glenn Frey on guitar and vocals, Timothy B Schmit on bass and vocals and Joe Walsh on guitar and vocals.

The group’s musical career came to peak in the 70’s and 80’s when albums “Eagles: Their Greatest Hits 19711975” and “Hotel California” became two of the bestselling albums in history.

Their popularity flourished when they released the albums “On the Border” and “One of These Nights”, which went platinum.

Hits like “One of These Nights”, “Lyin’ Eyes” and “Take It to the Limit” helped the band get inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998.

Almost Eagles, a Thai tribute band, played three songs at the press conference as details of the concert were announced.

Kitchana Lersakvanitchakul



The Eagles have added a date in Yokohama on the 26th of October.


Taking it To the Limit (Malaysia Star)

Excellent Glenn Interview:

Rock icons the Eagles look set to thrill the Asian masses soon, and the band’s Singapore concert stop on Oct 18 is bound to attract loads of Malaysian fans. BEVERLEY HON goes the distance and speaks to Glenn Frey, one of the Eagles’ founders.

THE Eagles once said that they would only get back together, “Oh, when hell freezes over.”

And when the band finally did put behind the years of bad blood for their first reunion in 1994, the result was the California rockers’ multi-platinum Hell Freezes Over album and a reunion tour which raked in a whopping US$75mil in ticket sales.

This year, the Eagles take flight again – charting new territories. Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Joe Walsh and Timothy B. Schmit will be making their way to Asia in October for concerts in Singapore, Hong Kong and Bangkok as part of the band’s current Farewell I worldwide tour. Since Kuala Lumpur is not on the list, the band’s Malaysian following is expected to head across the causeway on Oct 18 when the Eagles play the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

Now that we know how the Hell Freezes Over tour got its name, just how did Farewell I come about?

“Don Henley said that when we started touring again in 2001 and we just thought it was hilarious. He thought it was pretty funny to call it Farewell I because it’s sort of a joke,” revealed guitarist Glenn Frey during a phone interview from Brentwood, Los Angeles.

“We don’t know how long we’re going to continue, we sort of take it year by year. But God, in case this is supposed to end, we decided we should call it Farewell I and then if we change our minds, we’ll do Farewell II.”

Frey added that the moniker is just their way of poking fun at themselves and other acts that have retired but keep coming back and claiming to put on the final performance. On that note, can an artiste ever say never?

“Well, that’s hard to say. I’ve learnt with this band to never say never. There never ceases to be certain surprises in the lifespan of this strange bird,” laughed Frey.

Frey and drummer Henley formed the Eagles in 1971 and the band went on to sell millions of albums, scoring several hit songs in the process, including Best of My Love, One of These Nights, New Kid in Town, and the popular Hotel California.

The group’s line-up at the time of their disbandment in the early 1980s comprised Frey, Henley, Walsh, Schmit and guitarist Don Felder, whom they later booted out of the band in February 2001. The Eagles were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in January 1998.

The Farewell I tour in this region and dates in Japan and Australia will see the Eagles spending 50 days away from home, a relatively short period when you think about the kind of non-stop touring the band used to do in the 1970s.

“When you’re younger you can stay out on the road for a lot longer. You can do a lot of things for a lot longer when you’re younger. We’ve been out on the road for a long time but the difference now is that we take a lot better care of ourselves. We’re not party animals. We’ve had to retire that part of our life so it’s a little bit easier when you’re not outraging,” said the 56-year-old.

So does he miss the debauched days of booze, drugs, women and song?

“No, no. Glad I survived and glad to be moving on. But that’s the way we all are now,” Frey answered.

So having been there, done that and seen it all, is there anything the Eagles are or aren’t tired of hearing?

“We’re not tired of hearing applause,” Frey quipped.

“We never get tired of hearing people clap so it’ll be fun to come and play Singapore for the first time,” he said, adding that the band is excited about their Asian gig since they will be playing in places they have never been to before.

But what has happened to the new Eagles album? In 2001, the Eagles decided to work on a studio album and loaded their equipment into the studio on Sept 10 to start playing the next day – the very same infamous Sept 11 that changed America and the world.

“So we took a couple of days off just because no one really felt like anything that we were doing was very important. And then when we came back, one of the first tracks that we cut was Hole in the World and that song is sort of a lament about the sad fact that we can’t seem to get along,” recalled Detroit-born Frey. That tune was tacked on to the band’s The Complete Greatest Hits album released last year.

According to the guitarist-singer-songwriter, the band has recorded a few tracks, with some songs close to being finished. The group stopped recording for a while and then decided that they wanted to do this Asian tour. Frey thinks they may have a discussion early next year on how they want to proceed with the album.

And the fact that they don’t all live in the same town anymore makes recording this studio album even more difficult – Frey and Schmit live in Los Angeles while Walsh is in San Diego and Henley, in Texas. Recording the new album will mean time away from their families.

“Our lives are so much bigger now. We have so many other interests. First and foremost, everybody’s got a family and then also solo interests like charity work, playing private shows and acting. There’s a lot more to life these days than just the Eagles,” said Frey.

“(When) we were in our 20s, nobody was married. We were able to devote 24 hours a day to the Eagles. We all lived in LA and we were much more dedicated because we had the time. Now, it’s a little more difficult. Maybe some day, we’ll work it out, get enough material and complete it to put out a full CD. Or maybe we’ll try to work up a couple of new songs and play new material when we come to Asia,” he added.

The band’s Asian stint will also see them being away during their country’s crucial election month. Frey says that the group has thrown its support behind Democrat John Kerry and will “have to vote absentee ballot.”

Of late, American musicians and singers have been showing an increased interest in politics and have faced some kind of backlash for doing so. Linda Ronstadt was booed at then booted out of the Aladdin Hotel Casino in Las Vegas on July 18 after she praised Fahrenheit 9/11 director Michael Moore and dedicated the Eagles tune, Desperado, to him while Henley was recently booed for making political comments between songs during his concert at the Pacific Amphitheatre in Orange County, California.

Megastar Bruce Springsteen along with the Dixie Chicks, R.E.M., the Dave Matthews Band, Pearl Jam, James Taylor, John Mellencamp and Bonnie Raitt will be in the Vote for Change tour in an effort to unseat President George W. Bush in the upcoming election. Springsteen’s announcement to participate in the anti-Bush concert tour prompted a candidate for US Senate to come up with a “Boycott the Boss” television spot that shows her urging her supporters to not buy Springsteen’s music as a show of solidarity to Bush.

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with exercising your democratic rights to say what you want to say. George W. Bush has polarised our country with his outrageous behaviour in domestic and foreign policy so everybody’s got an opinion now,” commented Frey.

“The people in power in our country own all the television stations and radio stations and we, as artistes, just have our little PA systems. So if Linda Ronstadt wants to say something and dedicate Desperado to Michael Moore, I think she’s got every right to do it and if people in the audience don’t like or want to hear it, they can get up and walk out.

“The Eagles support John Kerry and we hope that for everybody’s sake, we can have a new president. I have a lot of Republican friends and we have to live together but like Bruce said, this isn’t just about what party you’re in. This is where you think we’re going. I know it’s a big issue right now,” he added.

On the personal front, the guys in the Eagles do their fair share of charity work. Frey says that they like giving back because they have been very fortunate and very blessed. Frey personally prefers helping children as he feels they tend to be the victims most of the time.

“Once you have problems when you’re an adult, that’s another story but kids usually never create the problems they face. Somebody else did. So it’s always nice to help out. There are economically disadvantaged kids in America and we try to help them out as much as possible but not in a loud way. God likes a quiet giver. We all continue to try to do our part,” he explained.

Concert tickets for The Eagles in Singapore on Oct 18 range from S$99 (RM217.80), S$125 (RM275), S$225 (RM495), S$350 (RM770) to S$499 (RM1,097.80). Ticket sales available now through www.sistic.com or call hotline 02-6731 4810 for group bookings. The Singapore Indoor Stadium concert is presented by Lushington Entertainments (www.lushington.com). Malaysian fans can also contact newly appointed Sistic agent Holiday Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd, Lot 13, KL City Air Terminal, Kuala Lumpur Sentral Station, or call 03-2273 2200 for ticket bookings and collections here.


Mark (Fan Review)

I saw the show in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Garden Area on Sat. 5-22-04.

The Eagles still have it going on.

Opening with "The Long Run" and continuing through

the vast majority of their hits plus some Glenn Frey, Don Henley and Joe Walsh solo efforts,

the bad was flawless in there now legendary and polished performances of some of pop culture's most

classic tunes.

The Eagles horn section consisting of 4 players gave many songs a great deal of sonic depth.

The guitarist replacing Don Felder was note perfect on every lick.

Surprisingly, all the original members voices where just like we remember them on the recordings from the

Seventies and Eighties. Don Henley's vocals seemed to get tighter and crisper as the evening progressed - just shy

of three hours. Although, this is an Eagles concert, Joe Walsh's performance of his classic 1973 hit "Rocky Mountain Way"

was terrific and perhaps the highlight of the evening. An original blues intro kept the crowd guessing until the famous guitar cords intro of "Way" were strummed out by Walsh. Joe rocked the house.

Another highlight from earlier in the evening was :"New Kid In Town" and "Wasted Time" which where sung to

perfection Frey and Henley, respectively.

The Eagles sound mix in this venue was excellent in all locations of the arena. Kudos to the all the sound engineers and technicians for a most enjoyable event. And thank you Eagles from not hanging it up yet - lots of steam left in these boys for more "Farewell" tours to come.


Joanne & Kaylee (Fan Review)

Las Vegas Show!!

How to describe or put into words the most “AMAZING EVENING” spent with The Eagles. “WOW” is just one of the many first words that come to my mind when it comes to the feelings I felt at the show that night! My mom, dad, daughter and I flew from Canada to see this show! There was no way I was going through the year 2004 without seeing the greatest band alive “rock in concert!” Third year in a row!! It may have put a little bit of a hole in the pocket, but let me tell you, it was well worth every single penny spent! I could re live that night over and over and over again if I could…..

You could feel the excitement as the crowd started to gather at the gates…it was amazing to see and to know that there were that many people out there feeling the same excited feelings that we were that night! It was also really neat to see that the crowd ranged in age from at least my daughters age of 5 and up.. to who knows how old. There probably was even younger kids there than my daughter! The whole atmosphere around us was just filled with such excited anticipation!

We went straight to our seats to check out how close we were to the stage. We were on Timothy’s side and were about 30 rows back I was happy with the seats, but like always; still determined to get closer to the stage at some point in the night. Security was really tight at that venue let me tell you..I thought for sure that there would be absolutely no way of getting remotely close to that stage at all…just when I thought I would give up on the idea of sneaking my way to the front….all it took was just a little bit of friendly talk with the security guard at the end of our row and what do ya know..right after intermission he moves us up to the third row in the middle..what can I say ..when you got it ..you got it…but now I need to go back to the beginning because this part of being moved up to the third row was after intermission…and you don’t get that part until closer to the end…

Before the show started my daughter and I were very thrilled to have met Timothy’s wife Jean. She was standing just a few feet away from us and me being the “not so shy person” that I am walked up to her and asked her if she wouldn’t mind coming over to where we were sitting to meet my daughter. She was nice to do so and it was very exciting for us, as we are big time Timothy fans! Thank you very much Jean!

Within a half hour of that exciting experience out come the “Gods” of all music. Timothy, Glenn, Don and Joe! Amazing sight to see! They started off with ‘The Long Run” and as usual were in tip top shape in every aspect of their performance! They all seemed calm, cool, collected and playful. Smooth operators! They played up there in front of us with such ease. Don was absolutely amazing when he sang ‘Wasted Time”..truly amazing that man is! Timothy was just a dream as always. Both of his solo songs LWKUA and ICTUW were to die for! His sweet voice and his sexy look. You couldn’t ask for anything better! He also had his guitar strap on his guitar. Good choice of colors! It suits him perfectly! Way to go “FEED THE FIRE” Group! Glenns “You Belong to the City” sounded a lot better than it ever has in the past! Boy, can that guy ever move! He was dancing away when Don was singing “All she wants to do is dance”

Joe was just a riot. He is a wild and crazy guy and every song that he sings drives the crowd just as wild and crazy as he is! He rocks! They are all amazing in their own special way and when you bring all there amazing talents and their amazing voices together, it is a match made in heaven! After intermission they came back on and they were sitting on stools..it was like Hell Freezes Over all over again. It was brilliant! I really enjoyed “Hole in the World”.

I would have to say that the biggest highlight of the evening for us was when we got moved up to the third row in the middle section. We could almost reach out and touch them we were so close. My daughter had her “ I love Timothy” shirt on and when we first got up to the third row I propped her up in my arms and Timothy took note of her right away and we could see him squinting his eyes to try to read what was on her shirt and then after that he waved to her a few times. That was very exciting for my daughter to experience especially it being her first concert ever. That will be a moment she will never forget! She still talks about it! My mom was so excited to be that close I thought she was just going to take a running jump over to the front row from the third row. The security guard kept pushing her back to her seat. It was hilarious to watch! She was thrilled and didn’t realize how amazing it was to be that close to them. Watch out for the 59 year old grandma! I can only imagine what she will be like if I ever get her up to the front row! I can just see it now the papers will read ‘ 59 year old grandma jumps onto stage and throws her arms around Glenn, had to pry her off !’ haa haa.

The whole night was amazing! I look forward to many many more nights to come! FAREWELL 2 PLEASE!!!!!

Another highlight of the trip was having the pleasure of meeting Lynn, Kelli, Melody and Joandra for breakfast the next morning! We talked about the amazing night over pancakes and eggs! I am glad that this trip gave me the opportunity to meet these great gals! What a blast! I look forward to hanging out with all you gals next year! This time next year I hope we are all together again! Love you Lynn!!!!!!!! J Many thanks to Mel and Lisa for running such an awesome website! These gals are great! If you need the info, they have the answers!!!! I am proud to be a part of this one big happy EAGLES family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Getting Ready?

To get us ready for the Australian shows, David sent along two photos. One is from the HFO tour in Melbourne. The other is from an Australian Eagles tour in 1976. Thanks David!

