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Duluth, MN

The Eagles will be appearing at the DECC on May 16th . Tickets are available from Ticketmaster. If you will be going to the show or have questions about the show, hit the comments button below and add a message.

Reader Comments (7)

Just got home from the concert in Duluth, MN. It's about 2:30am, but wanted to get a note sent off. It is so cool to be part of a concert where these old duds,(my age!)can still rock and roll and bring down the house. I have to say that it took about half the concert to get those stoic Minnesotan's rocking, but then they got going. The set list is pretty much what others have posted. They aren't doing James Dean or Turned to Stone from the earlier part of the tour. Kind of missed them. The guys attire is also pretty consistant with past reviews. Could Glens PLAID shirt the 2nd half of the concert be any bolder?! Poor Stewart had equipment trouble for about a 1/3rd of the concert. Met and talked with Karen from the Timothy Schmit website, Keep on Tryin. She had a front row LEFT seat! Lucky girl. Thats about all. Hope you all can get to one of the concerts.
May 16, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterSheila
Ms. Sarah Henning from the News Tribune just doesn't get it. Her articles smelled like something dangerously close to ignorant and hateful. Ignore her! Wonder if she could get a make-over from "Queer Eye for the Straight (?)...Journalist!"
May 17, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterSandy
My freind Steve and I drove up from MPLS to Duluth on Sunday and had a grand time indeed rockin' with the Eagles! We stayed over night in Canal Park which is a 5 minute walk to the concert. I've been a fan since the mid 70's and have seen them many times over the many years. So I can say with authority that the "boys" are sounding as good as ever! I was at two shows last year and I thought they sounded as good or better Sunday night at the DECC. I must say the people of Duluth and surrounding areas know how to have fun!! We had a ball and had great seats and met some fun folks. My advice....go see these guys if you can before this brief tour comes to an end. The thing that I liked the best was to see that the band is having alot of fun and smiled and laughed alot on stage. I even noticed Glenn and Don (via my bi-nocs) singing to each other as they sat on stools while playing a few of their slower hits. I dont think I've personally seen the two with that sort of on stage "one-ness" ....closeness...since the 1970's. So it looks like there all getting along very well. This makes me feel like the probability of that long lost new studio album will actually happen. Every song was done with the usual perfection. I will say that Glenn's solo career song "You belong to the City" was done as well as I have ever heard him. This version was much more like the original record version. We would (all) love to hear him sing some of his many other solo hits but he did really nail it this time. The song got a loud response from the sold out crowd ranging in ages from 20's to 50's. Well...there is alot more I could say about the 28 song show but bottom line: GO GO GO see them! p.s....if you went to the show and sat in section 14 with us (row one) I hope all of our dancin 'round in the shows second half was worth a laugh or two!! LOL! (and if you were please email me!!).....RAWK ON!!
May 17, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterJeff "Shoe" (MPLS)
Saw the show also, and agree that it was great! We had seats directly to the side of stage right, about 10 rows up, so we had a great view of the action on the stage. My wife and I were able to see them back at the XCEL center in '02, 30 rows back from the stage on the floor (also great seats). The acoustics are much better there, but the DECC wasn't to bad. Liked the "up-close & personal" touch that a small venue gives. I too read the review (4/17/04) in the Duluth Tribune (along with the preview article they published on the 13th). Ms. Henning obviously doesn't get it, does she? Sure it was a predictable concert, but that is exactly what us long time fans want. It is not often that we can share in an experience similar to what happened 25-30 years ago. Must have something to do with her age! Unless she is over the age of 40 something, or a child of someone that grew up in the 70's, I don't expect that she would understand. Just the influence that their style of music had on the industry, and how it paved the way for many of the current country and pop acts of Today, should be enough for her to understand. People appreciate music that they can relate to, and will continue to support it at any cost. I can't say that about much of the 'new-age' music being produced now days. My son (18) and daughter (21) joined us for this concert, and loved it! In fact, they can't wait until the Eagles come to the area again. So . . . we will gladly drive the 180 miles (or whatever) and pay the ticket prices again, just to reminisce about our past once more! The Eagles music will live on for decades to come!
May 18, 2004 | Unregistered CommenterTim
I have never been to a conceert where the band sounds better in person than on their cd's. Wow what a performance!!! I've always liked the eagles but now am a true fan. Thanks for this sight also, it is really great.
June 7, 2004 | Unregistered Commenterpaula
writing this so late, but the eagles concert in Duluth was great! I cant believe alot of teens dont know of the eagles?! Im a teen myself... and i just think thats crazy not to know of the eagles.. its like.. classic! You have to know them! Just as sick as saying you dont know the Beatles.. you know? Anyways, the concert was awesome, the greatest concert i've ever been to! Believe me, i was jumping up and dancing along with everyone els! I wish they would come to the area again, just so i could see them, id drive from Duluth to Chicago if i had to! How is it possible that Henning sat through that concert and write that horrible article the next day??? She does not know what shes talking about.. just doesnt know good music. By the way, i got awesome seats in sect 19 right on the side.. like, 10 rows up i think? It was great!
June 21, 2004 | Unregistered Commenteremma

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