Omaha, NE
Saturday, May 8, 2004 at 5:04PM
The Eagles will be appearing at the Qwest Center on May 15th . Tickets are available from Ticketmaster. If you will be going to the show or have questions about the show, hit the comments button below and add a message.
Reader Comments (9)
It was simply put, fantastic!
The set list was changed a bit. They opened with The Long Run,and Take it Easy took the place of the old Long Run spot. Correct meif I am wrong, but the rest of the set remained about the same.
A few interesting tid bits:
Glen mentioned early in the show that the sound was great at thenew Quest Center and he was happy to be back in Nebraska.
Glen also mentioned it was good to play for "Omaha, Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa" It was nice to hear since not all of us live, "In the City!"
I have to say, the band was really in top form. Precise, Fun and Loud!
The talent on stage was probably the best I've seen in the last ten years, this includes Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac and a host of other bands.
Joe was extremely entertaining. The helmet-cam was a real treat and really got the audience on their feet. My personal favorite of the night would have to be Lifes Been Good. Joe Walsh--what a character.
As most of you have probably figured out by now, this was my first Eagles concert and man was it phenomenal. Nearly sold out show, but you could tell, the ticket prices are just getting outrageous!
Hole in the World was another standout. Same speach about the "hole getting bigger."
Lastly, Boys of Summer really sounded great. The pant-leg vibrations from the subwoofers is something that can really only be reproduced at a live show. What an experience.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
Shine on!
-Jon, Nebraska
I've never seen Henley work the crowd like he did tonight. He was really on his game. He looks more weathered and older than he did in the past, but man that voice! It's never sounded better, and he hit everything out of the park. In my mind, Henley and Frey were the show. Joe was his usual self, as to be expected.
I also sat next to a guitar player, who was marvelling at how well Stuart played. He kept going on and on about him. I was more impressed by Stuart on guitar than I was Joe.
* Glenn made reference about how "Between LA and New York, there's this gorgeous country out here in Omaha."* Joe ad-libbed a line in "Rocky Mountain Way" about Bush/Kerrey and running for president that was quite funny. This was Joe's big highlight.* Gleen dancing during "All She Wants to Do is Dance." Somebody stuck a quarter in him. He must have heard about the Lakers big win!* Henley on "Wasted Time", "Desperado" and "One of These Nights". Just perfect. The man may look more bloated than in the past, but oh that voice. And he's getting a grasp on the whole showmanship idea.* Hole in the World sounded great, but this was the first time where I actually said to myself, although only briefly, "Are they lip-synching?"
They sounded much better tonight than when I saw them in 2002. In fact, I thought they sounded better than Hell Freezes Over. By all means, go out and see the boys while you can. I'm going to go out of my way to see them again.
* Glenn made a special mention before "Lyin Eyes" (in addition to his 'plaintiff' line), about how he and Don wrote "One of These Nights" and "Lyin Eyes" at the same place back in 1974, and the words and music to Lyin Eyes "flowed out fast than the red wine at Dantanas"* A friend in front of me got to take all kinds of "phone pictures". Since he was in the front row, they just might turn out. He's going to email me the pictures. I'll send them here if any of them turn out.* Joe wore the exact same outfit that he's wearing in the picture on your home page!* Celebrity sighting in the crowd: Eric Piatkowski from the NBA Houston Rockets. Eric is a Nebraska alum and since HIS basketball season is over (unlike Glenn's Lakers), he had time on his hands and got to see an incredible show.* The big buzz before the show centered on the fact that a new "Cheesburger in Paradise" had a special VIP opening. Jimmy Buffett was in town for this, and the big rumor going through the arena was that Henley and Schmitt were also present. I have no confirmation on that, but I will find out more on Monday. The event was put on by a local radio group, and I'm friends with one of the radio station's general sales managers. I'll get him to confirm everything.
But what a show, still reliving it.
All the guys sounded great but it did seem at times like Don was a little hoarser than usual. I saw Timothy wearing the guitar strap given to him by the Feed the Fire group, that was pretty neat. Glenn was looser than I have seen him in the past, he ad-libbed several comments including asking if he could “get a witness” when he talked about wife number one being “plaintiff”. One thing that struck me as funny was after all the complaints about Glenn’s “YBTTC” it was the first song during the second set that brought the crowd to it’s feet. Omaha likes that song! But, of course Joe rocked the house and kept the crowd going crazy as usual.
Clothing – well, Joe was in camo of course, with yellow running shoes (no light stick though). Timothy wore a black/grey long sleeve shirt with a black leather vest the first set and changed to a short sleeve black shirt with the black vest the second set. Glenn had on a white and purple stripe shirt with his lovely light-colored jeans and a black jacket lined in purple (he showed the crowd) for the first set and then changed into what looked like a turquoise/blue/white checked tablecloth with a black t-shirt underneath for the second set.
Don - what can I say? He had on a shirt that I swear came from either my farmer grandpa or a Goodwill store. It was white with a small red stripe, complete with snap pockets and rolled-up sleeves. He was wearing the shirt tail out with black docker-type pants. Not the best I’ve ever seen but his new hair made up for it. It looks so much better than last year, no major red tint, nice spike in the front.
I don’t know if we were so hungry for a concert or what, but I really believe that this was one of the best out of the 13 we’ve seen so far the last two years. Vegas – here we come!
Verna (below)addressed the subjects of the Eagles attire, as well as Henley's hair...which did look much better than last year (he's back to the "spiked" do of 2002). As far as Glen's clothes go, I thought Glen's shiny black blazer was lined in "pink" as opposed to purple. With the lighting, it is possible that it was purple, but at the time it appeared to be a fairly bright pink. When he showed the audience the inside of his jacket, he said,"I'm lookin' GOOD!!!" Don was wearing "the shirt"...the one he has worn at 3 of the 4 concerts I've attended...the light-colored western one with the pearl buttons (not his most flattering attire). It did look like Henley had put on a little weight from last year. Timothy looked the same as always. Glen and Joe appeared to be in great shape. Joe has obviously lost some weight since last year's tour.
As for vocals, I agree with Verna about Henley. He seemed very hoarse, most noticably when performing "Boys of Summer". His voice cracked 3 or 4 times during that song. However, his voice is so amazing I could listen to him all night regardless. The hoarseness was not as noticable in the second set. Honestly, I enjoyed Henley more tonight than any other night just because he seemed to be so happy. Timothy was close to perfect as always. Glen and Joe sounded better than I have ever heard them. At previous concerts the singing of Glen's YBTTC made me a nervous wreck as he just couldn't seem to hit the notes, but last night he hit every one of them and sounded fantastic. I can't say enough about Joe either. He was on pitch, held notes for long periods of time, and his vocals were just overall outstanding.
I could probably write for hours about every detail of this show as it was so awesome, but will go ahead and stop now. I hope that everyone has the opportunity to see the Eagles as I did last night...enjoying each other, enjoying the audience, and just having a fantastic time. They truly looked happy and sounded even better!